Call of flesh
I ceased being me when I was six years old. My parents had two choices, Shweta or Shravanthy. They went with the shorter one. They believed the shorter it was, the longer it would stay. But my reason for assuming a different identity was, different. I just did not want to be a Rajeshwari among Krithikas and Aarthys. So one fine evening, I left school as Rajeshwari Rangachaari and returned next morning as Shweta Aiyar. Some would say I was not true to my new identity either. I would not disagree with them. I was more of a Shweta than an Aiyar and always left a trail of unorthodoxy in my wake, which did not sit too well with my parents and neighbours. But I marched on, unabashed by my wayward ways. I learnt very early in my life not to heed to the whims of the society. I was just a few hours old then. Appa brought in his prized Canon to take a picture of his beautiful princess, only that the young princess would not look at the camera, let alone pose and smile. In fact, I a...