Astrology, the science of keeping us Blind !
Many centuries for now, Astrology has led men in wrong directions, and simply men have kept faith on them and followed them, losing their way. It has been perceived and in fact, has become a kind of faith something similar to a religion, rather than being seen as a science. This has not happened overnight. If civilization dates back to 4500 B.C., so does astrology. It has been proved that Egyptians built their pyramids, only after taking into heads, the positions of the Sun, Moon, Planets, Stars , Constellations and all named, unnamed celestial bodies. It will not be centuries before our fellow men start designing their toilets based on the position of stars. It may well happen within our lifetimes. Today, we all wake up to read our daily fortunes in newspapers, televisions, and even on the web. Most of the social networking sites have started to feature them. One day, when i stepped into one of these sites, my fortune for the day read, "You will be slapped by a girl today. Better...