To Tamils who oppose Jallikattu
To all non-supporters of Jallikattu, especially Tamils.
Vanakkam. In the last few days, there has been overwhelming support for Jallikattu in Tamil Nadu and social media. However, I also see the occasional post against Jallikattu. This post intends to answer some of the questions raised by these people, especially Tamils.
The premise behind Jallikattu ban:
Jallikattu was first banned by the supreme court in 2007, responding to a petition submitted by Blue Cross of India and other organisations. The verdict was withdrawn in 2008 and the supreme court instructed the TN government to regulate Jallikattu. Accordingly, TN introduced Jallikattu regulation act in 2009. This is when AWBI and PETA India picked up the issue. They petitioned against the 2008 ruling and once again the ban was reintroduced in 2009 itself. However, Jallikattu continued with permissions from TN high court. This is when PETA and AWBI lobbied vigourously and recommended the then forest and environment minister Jairam Ramesh to add bulls to the list of wild animals that cannot be used in public performances. The minister accepted the recommendation and Jallikattu ban was once again enforced in 2011.
Now, there are a lot of things wrong with this.
1. Bull is not a wild animal. It was one of the animals that human domesticated very early when they transformed from hunter-gatherers to agriculturists. The other five animals in the list are bear, monkey, lion, panther and tiger - all wild animals except the bull.
2. Bulls have never been exhibited in zoos, reinstating the fact they are neither endangered, nor exotic or wild.
3. Bulls are also not used in the circuses.
1. Bull is not a wild animal. It was one of the animals that human domesticated very early when they transformed from hunter-gatherers to agriculturists. The other five animals in the list are bear, monkey, lion, panther and tiger - all wild animals except the bull.
2. Bulls have never been exhibited in zoos, reinstating the fact they are neither endangered, nor exotic or wild.
3. Bulls are also not used in the circuses.
So, the premise of Jallikattu ban itself is incorrect.
Why don't tamil nadu folks respect the supreme court judgement?
Simply because we think the supreme court is wrong this time. The supreme court benches are made up of people who can make mistakes too. Judgements are arrived by producing evidences, presenting arguments, understanding of the issue, context in which the issue is presented and to some extent, personal biases and prejudices. All of these involve human beings and so, they are prone to mistakes. We don't have to look back too long to understand this.
Simply because we think the supreme court is wrong this time. The supreme court benches are made up of people who can make mistakes too. Judgements are arrived by producing evidences, presenting arguments, understanding of the issue, context in which the issue is presented and to some extent, personal biases and prejudices. All of these involve human beings and so, they are prone to mistakes. We don't have to look back too long to understand this.
1. When supreme court instructed Karnataka to release water, Karnataka appealed the verdict with different sets of evidences at least three times and the supreme court kept changing the amount of water to be released each time.
2. Jayalalitha's inappropriate asset case verdict was overturned in the supreme court when she presented different set of evidences using different consul.
2. Jayalalitha's inappropriate asset case verdict was overturned in the supreme court when she presented different set of evidences using different consul.
Also, everything has a price in India. We all know how celebrities get all sort of leeway in courts, whereas poor people, even the innocent ones get no reprieve. We saw that happen with Salman and others. Then there is the curious case of Karnataka and Kerala not obeying the supreme court when they were instructed to release water. TN is the not the first state to protest.
If protesting a supreme court judgement or law is something that cannot be tolerated at all, we shouldn't be calling Gandhi the father of the nation.
Why are TN folks targeting PETA and AWBI?
Because they brought the fight to TN and other states. This is not a fight we wanted. Supreme court did not intervene by itself, but only after these clowns appeared.
Because they brought the fight to TN and other states. This is not a fight we wanted. Supreme court did not intervene by itself, but only after these clowns appeared.
In a really good year, about 2000-2500 bulls take part in Jallikattu and Rekla across Tamil Nadu. Less than ten bulls get injured and couple of incidents of abuse happens. In an average year, India slaughters millions of cattle for export. So, if PETA really cared about animals, they should be fighting to ban beef which could save thousands and thousands of animals. But then PETA is too small an organisation to fight multi-billion dollar beef industry. It will also bring religion into play. So, PETA and AWBI simply went for the easiest target which no tangible benefits simply because they can and not because they care. And in doing so, they are indirectly harming self-reliant farming methods that do not use artificial fertilizers and tractors.
Also, PETA and AWBI lobbied to add bulls to the list of wild animals. If the bulls had not been added to the list, there wouldn't have been a ban, but only more regulation which TN folks are happy with.
So, its only natural people turn against PETA and AWBI.
Caste and religion in Jallikattu?
If caste and religion are playing a crucial, adverse role in Jallikattu, then that should be curbed and not Jallikattu itself. I personally don't think, Jallikattu is the cause of caste/religious clashes. It is the other way around. The deep-rooted caste/religion have found their way into Jallikattu as well. Jallikattu is the not the reason inter-caste and inter-religion marriages end up in violence.
If caste and religion are playing a crucial, adverse role in Jallikattu, then that should be curbed and not Jallikattu itself. I personally don't think, Jallikattu is the cause of caste/religious clashes. It is the other way around. The deep-rooted caste/religion have found their way into Jallikattu as well. Jallikattu is the not the reason inter-caste and inter-religion marriages end up in violence.
I am a Vegan. I don't hurt animals. Why do you ?
Till a few years ago, not many Indians, even in urban centres were aware of the term Veganism. There were vegetarians and they used to consume diary products. Then came PETA and along with it came MNCs. In a country like India, if 5% of the country turns Vegan, 75% of the small scale farmers who on an average own 2 cows, will be out of business soon and entire native breeds of cows will be wiped out because they produce far less milk. MNCs will determine the price of milk and government will not be able to regulate them. Also, diary products are essential sources of minerals and I don't think alternatives for them can be made available to everyone at affordable prices in a country like India.
Till a few years ago, not many Indians, even in urban centres were aware of the term Veganism. There were vegetarians and they used to consume diary products. Then came PETA and along with it came MNCs. In a country like India, if 5% of the country turns Vegan, 75% of the small scale farmers who on an average own 2 cows, will be out of business soon and entire native breeds of cows will be wiped out because they produce far less milk. MNCs will determine the price of milk and government will not be able to regulate them. Also, diary products are essential sources of minerals and I don't think alternatives for them can be made available to everyone at affordable prices in a country like India.
In short, Veganism is death knell to small scale farmers, native cattle and the poor.
Why personal attacks on PETA members?
Imagine this. A stranger, your neighbour, your friend and a family member visit you. Each of them start dictating to you what you must do at your home. You might obey your friend and the family member the first time around. The next time you might give them a stare. The third time you might say no. The fourth time you might protest. Now, your neighbour will not get four chance. He might get three. How about the stranger? I'm sure you will scream at him and throw him out. Why shouldn't it be the same for a culture? Most of these PETA members are stranger to our culture, village life, rearing bulls and tolerance. So, what do you expect the people do ? Sit them down and bow down before them ?
Imagine this. A stranger, your neighbour, your friend and a family member visit you. Each of them start dictating to you what you must do at your home. You might obey your friend and the family member the first time around. The next time you might give them a stare. The third time you might say no. The fourth time you might protest. Now, your neighbour will not get four chance. He might get three. How about the stranger? I'm sure you will scream at him and throw him out. Why shouldn't it be the same for a culture? Most of these PETA members are stranger to our culture, village life, rearing bulls and tolerance. So, what do you expect the people do ? Sit them down and bow down before them ?
PETA members also receive huge sums of money for occupying a role like that of an ambassador. So the natural question is do they really care for animals or for money? And are they trying to wipe out my culture for just money?
Masses and "educated illiterate" youth are influenced by rhetoric. Don't they have anything else to fight for ?
This one is beyond absurd. If masses and youth are influenced by mere rhetoric, are we going to ban elections? Are we not going to accept the results of election where mass and youth vote. And isn't this view, the perfect example of an elitist view ? A mere supposition to boost one's bloated-up ego, to believe that your morals are better than everyone else only leads to downfall. Rest assured, youth know what they are doing. It is time you did.
This one is beyond absurd. If masses and youth are influenced by mere rhetoric, are we going to ban elections? Are we not going to accept the results of election where mass and youth vote. And isn't this view, the perfect example of an elitist view ? A mere supposition to boost one's bloated-up ego, to believe that your morals are better than everyone else only leads to downfall. Rest assured, youth know what they are doing. It is time you did.
And its their choice what they fight for. If you believe their protest is merely for Jallikattu, you are completely mistaken.
Every coin has two sides. If you believe that the coin will always land on the side you like, you are yet to understand things.
Ps. I usually don't tag people, in these posts, but I'm doing for this one alone. If at least one of these folks can just acknowledge that there is another side to the coin, I will be happy. Please feel free to untag yourself if you don't think this is appropriate.
Our culture is our birthright.
Thank you.