Live and Let others Live
Once a LKG teacher gave each of his students 10 dolls of different shapes and colours and asked them to arrange them in some order. He gave them ten minutes before he went to each of their desks to see how they have done it.He went to the first student and asked him to explain his way of ordering. The boy with lot of enthusiasm explained how he had arranged them according to their heights. All shorts in a group, all talls in a group and so on. The teacher appreciated him for his work.He went on to the second student and asked him to explain his way of ordering. This boy had arranged them according to their colours. All greens in a group, all blues in a group and so on. The teacher appreciated him too.The teacher kept visiting each desk and learnt the boy's way of ordering and appreciated them. Finally he came to the last boy. He was angry at seeing the objects placed in no order at all. The boy has put all on the table and has done nothing. The teacher asked him with fire in his wo...